It is our aim at intent at St Johns when teaching PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) to start where children and young people are: find out what they already know, understand, are able to do and are able to say. We will always aim to involve them in the planning of the PSHE education programme, changing units when needed to teach when most relevant to co-horts. We will use Jigsaw, a planned scheme of work and may supplement aspects with different resources and lessons from other sources where relevant. Staff will be trained to ensure all staff feel confident and secure to deliver this content.
We will plan a ‘spiral programme’ which introduces new and more challenging learning, while building on what has gone before, which reflects and meets the personal developmental needs of the children and young people.
We will take a positive approach which does not attempt to induce shock or guilt but focuses on what children and young people can do to keep themselves and others healthy and safe and to lead happy and fulfilling lives.
We will offer a wide variety of teaching and learning styles within PSHE education, with an emphasis on interactive learning and the teacher as facilitator.
We will provide information which is realistic and relevant and which reinforces positive social norms.
We will encourage young people to reflect on their learning and the progress they have made, and to transfer what they have learned to say and to do from one school subject to another, and from school to their lives in the wider community.
We will recognise that the PSHE education programme is just one part of what a school can do to help a child to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding they need to fulfil their potential. Link the PSHE education programme to other whole school approaches, to pastoral support, and provide a setting where the responsible choice becomes the easy choice. Encourage staff, families and the wider community to get involved. We will do this by mapping our provision carefully to ensure coverage is robust. Our PSHE teaching will be supported by assemblies, visitors to school, trips, residentials, sporting events and whole school experiences
We will embed PSHE education within other efforts to ensure children and young people have positive relationships with adults, feel valued and where those who are most vulnerable are identified and supported.
We will provide opportunities for children and young people to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities which simulate adult choices and where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions.
We will provide a safe and supportive learning environment where children and young people can develop the confidence to ask questions, challenge the information they are offered, draw on their own experience, express their views and opinions and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives.