As a Community School the Governors of Tunstead Primary School follow the Norfolk LA policy for the admission of pupils to primary schools.
Admissions to the school are managed by the Admissions team at County Hall.
By law children must start statutory education full time at the beginning of the term following their fifth. For Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools, children born between 1st September and the end of February may start school full time at the beginning of the autumn term before their fifth birthday. This is in accordance with the Norfolk County Council Admissions policy. Children born between the 1st March and 31st August, may start school part time at the beginning of the autumn term before their fifth birthday and full time at the beginning of the spring term before their fifth birthday. Unless parents advise us differently, all the children start full time at the beginning of the Autumn Term.
Pre-school children will be invited to spend 2 days in the Early Years’ classroom towards the end of the Summer Term before they are due to start school. A meeting for parents and staff will be arranged at the beginning of term in September at which relevant information about the school will be given. Liaison with the pre-school provider(s) will be made before admissions take place and records will be requested to be transferred to the school.
In the event of our school or certain year groups being oversubscribed, admissions criteria are applied by the LA on our behalf. Further details on Norfolk’s Admission Arrangements can be found on the Norfolk schools website.
Prospective parents and carers are welcome to visit the school – please contact our school on 01603 737395 to arrange an appointment.